The 10 Best Military Arcade Games of the 80s
“Battle is a hell of a thing in 8-bits. ” – My Comments : Great article! I’ve never even heard of #10, “Twin Eagle: Revenge Joe’s Brother,” but the rest are all classics.
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The 10 Best Military Arcade Games of the 80s
“Battle is a hell of a thing in 8-bits. ” – My Comments : Great article! I’ve never even heard of #10, “Twin Eagle: Revenge Joe’s Brother,” but the rest are all classics.
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Captain Canada [1920×1080] • /r/wallpaper
“365 points and 19 comments so far on reddit ” – My Comments :
How a Combat Photographer Named a Phenomenon to Honor Soldiers
“While embedded with troops in Afghanistan in the late 2000s, war photographer and writer Michael Yon captured numerous photos of the sparkling halo that ca ” – My Comments : Nice.
Did You Know: This is Why Cameras Shoot 29.97fps, not 30
“If you’re the technical type, or your just love to understand your photo and video history, you’ll definitely want to check out this straightforward explan ” – My Comments : Interesting…
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David Lynch’s Return of the Jedi
“In 1981 George Lucas approached David Lynch to direct the final installment of the STAR WARS trilogy. For years fans of Lynch and Lucas have wondered what th… ” – My Comments : George Lucas apparently pitched RotJ to David Lynch. If this fan-made trailer is any indication of how it might have been, it’s a very good thing that he turned it down.
Liked on YouTube: “David Lynch’s Return of the Jedi”
Olympus Says Earth’s Rotation Limits Image Stabilization to 6.5 Stops Max
“It turns out the only thing standing between Olympus and even better image stabilization than the E-M1 Mark II’s already insane 6.5 stops… is the rotatio ” – My Comments : The image stabilization capability of this Olympus is just amazing. It never would have occurred to me that the limitation was due to the effects of the earth’s rotation, but then again, I hadn’t heard of being able to get more than two or three stops of stabilization!