
Some recent visitors to my ‘80 site have pointed out that many of my links are outdated or broken, and damned if they aren’t right. I never have enough time to work on all of the different projects I’d like to, and one of the things that has fallen by the wayside is routine maintenance of the pages on the site. Well, I’ve started to make it right, and although it may take me a little time to get through them all, I’ll get to them all soon.

I’ve started with my ’80s music links page, which should now contain all working links, as well as some new links I’ve been hoarding for some time. Also, now that I’m developing my photographic and digital manipulation skillz, seeing how crappy some of the images on my pages really bothers me, so I’ve also added some new and better optimized graphics to the page. I need to add that to the list of things to do as well, but I’m slowly working my way through. Thanks for your patience in the meantime…

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