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Monday, July 31, 2006


As most of you will remember, MTV debuted on August 1, 1981, which means that it will celebrate 25 years on the air tomorrow. In tribute, VH1 Classic will broadcast MTV's entire first day starting at midnight tonight; here's a VSpot promo video. Get your TiVos ready; you know mine is all cleaned up and set! :-) I do think it's pretty ironic that MTV itself isn't doing the broadcast, although looking at their web feature, I'm guessing that they might even show some classic videos tomorrow (but I'm not holding my breath).

USA Today has a nice feature with some key moments in MTV's history, and the blog Pop Candy offers some favorites as well. New York Magazine looks at "some of the more notable accomplishments for which the network can be thanked—or blamed," and AP is hosting a MTV 25th Anniversary quiz.

Video Killed The Radio Star

In honor of this monumental occasion, I offer you the first song to air on MTV, The Buggles' Video Killed The Radio Star sound file, for your listening/downloading pleasure. The first promo video for MTV is available on YouTube, as is the video for Video Killed The Radio Star. Enjoy, and try not to feel too old! ;-(

Update: CNN also weighs in with 25 memorable MTV moments in an article entitled "MTV won't say how old it is (but it's 25)." The article confirmed my suspicions that MTV was distancing itself from its birthday:
No one knows how to throw a party like MTV. So there must be quite a bash planned for Tuesday, celebrating 25 years on the air. Right?

Sorry. MTV is staying in that night. There are no plans to even mention the birthday.

When your average viewer is 20 years old -- too young to remember Martha Quinn, not even born when Madonna buckled on her "boy toy" belt -- perhaps it's wise not to mention you're 25. MTV wants to be the perpetual adolescent.
Now I feel old. :-(

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